Find out where our students have been accepteD

Whether you are preparing for an undergraduate or graduate program, our University Preparation Program helps you determine what to study, where to study, and most importantly: how you’re going to get there. Our university acceptance rate is high, and our process is the reason why. Contact us to learn more about our Personalized Learning Plan and diverse visual arts programs.


* Please note that the 2025 acceptance list is actively being updated as our students are getting notified by universities. Please visit this page frequently to see the latest acceptance record.

Student ID 1915 Columbia University *EARLY ADMISSION: BA in Art History and Visual Arts

Student ID 1798 CMU, Carnegie Mellon University *EARLY ADMISSION: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1657 NYU, New York University *EARLY DECISION: BFA in Studio Art

Student ID 1589 USC, University of Southern California *EARLY ADMISSION: BA in Public Relations and Advertising

Student ID 1915 UBC, University of British Columbia *EARLY ADMISSION: Bachelor of Arts

Student ID 1760 CMU, Carnegie Mellon University: Bachelor of Fine Arts in BXA Program

Student ID 1764 CMU, Carnegie Mellon University: Bachelor of Fine Arts

Student ID 1657 Washington University in St. Louis: BA in Design & Visual Art

Student ID 1764 Washington University in St. Louis: BA in Design & Visual Art

Student ID 1657 UC Irvine: Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration

Student ID 1764 UC San Diego: BA in Visual Art

Student ID 1657 UC San Diego: BA in Media Industries and Communication Major

Student ID 1657 Fordham College: Bachelor of Arts in Business-Scholarship: $70,000 USD

Student ID 1657 Bard College: Bachelor of Arts

Student ID 1760 UBC, University of British Columbia: BFA Visual Art Program

Student ID 1589 University of Toronto Scarborough: BA in Co-op International Development Studies-Scholarship: $1,500 CAD

Student ID 1589 University of Toronto Mississauga: BA in Studies in Humanities-Scholarship: $2,000 CAD

Student ID 1657 University of Toronto Scarborough: BA in Social Sciences and Humanities-Scholarship: $1,500 CAD

Student ID 1657 University of Toronto University College: BA in Social Sciences

Student ID 1760 University of Toronto: BA in Visual Studies

Student ID 1764 University of Toronto Innis College: BA in Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Student ID 1764 University of Toronto: BA in Visual Studies

Student ID 2197 University of Southampton: BA in Fashion Marketing with Management

Student ID 2197 University of the Arts London - London College of Fashion: BSc (Hons) Fashion Management

Student ID 1760 RISD, Rhode Island School of Design: BFA

Student ID 2188 RISD, Rhode Island School of Design: BFA

Student ID 1657 Pratt Institute: BFA in Communications Design (Graphic Design)

Student ID 1760 Parsons The New School: BFA in Integrated Design-Scholarship: $76,000 USD

Student ID 2197 Parsons The New School: Bachelor of Business Administration-Scholarship: $72,000 USD

Student ID 1657 Parsons The New School: BFA in Fashion Design-Scholarship: $80,000 USD

Student ID 2188 SAIC, School of Art Institute of Chicago: BFA-Scholarship: $84,000 USD

Student ID 2188 ArtCenter College of Design: BFA in Illustration

Student ID 2188 SVA, School of Visual Arts: BFA in Illustration-Scholarship: $106,800 USD

Student ID 1515 SVA, School of Visual Arts: BFA in Illustration

Student ID 1515 CCA, California College of the Arts: BFA-Scholarship: $100,000 USD

Student ID 2188 CCA, California College of the Arts: BFA-Scholarship: $100,000 USD

Student ID 2188 OCAD, Ontario College of Art and Design University: Bachelor of Design in Illustration

Student ID 2188 Emily Carr University of Art+Design: BFA in Illustration

Student ID 1421 Byng Arts, Lord Byng Secondary School: Visual Art

Student ID 1463 Byng Arts, Lord Byng Secondary School: Visual Art


Student ID 1581 Columbia University *EARLY ADMISSION: BA in Art History and Visual Arts

Student ID 1939 Cornell University *EARLY ADMISSION: Fashion and Fashion Management

Student ID 1418 Brown University *EARLY ADMISSION: Architecture

Student ID 1452 RISD, Rhode Island School of Design *EARLY ADMISSION: Visual Arts

Student ID 1675 New York University | Shanghai *EARLY ADMISSION: Film and Movie

Student ID 1675 Fordham College *EARLY ADMISSION: Film and Movie-Scholarship: $40,000 USD

Student ID 1418 Bard College *EARLY ADMISSION: Architecture-Scholarship: $120,000 USD

Student ID 1418 MICA, Maryland Institute College of Art *EARLY ADMISSION: Sculpture

Student ID 1418 SAIC, School of Art Institute of Chicago *EARLY ADMISSION: BFA-Scholarship: $72,000 USD

Student ID 1418 Pratt Institute *EARLY ADMISSION: BArch-Scholarship: $100,000 USD

Student ID 2007 MICA, Maryland Institute College of Art: Fine Art-Scholarship: $88,000 USD

Student ID 1871 CCA, California College of the Arts: Fine Art-Scholarship: $100,000 USD

Student ID 1550 CCA, California College of the Arts: Fine Art-Scholarship: $100,000 USD

Student ID 1773 Cooper Union *EARLY ADMISSION: BArch-Scholarship: $111,375 USD

Student ID 1407 Cornell University: Architecture

Student ID 1418 Brown University | RISD: BRDD Program

Student ID 1407 University of Southern California: Bachelor of Science in Architecture + Inventive Technologies

Student ID 1276 UC Berkeley, College of Letters and Science: Media Study

Student ID 1577 NYU, New York University: Studio Art

Student ID 2007 NYU, New York University: Studio Art

Student ID 1407 NYU, New York University: Studio Art

Student ID 1769 University of Carnegie Mellon: Design

Student ID 1276 UC Santa Barbara, BFA: Pre-Film and Media Studies

Student ID 1276 UC Irvine, BFA: Art

Student ID 1276 UC Davis: BA-Design

Student ID 1550 Syracuse University: BArch-Scholarship: $100,000 USD

Student ID 1871 Parsons The New School: Product Design-Scholarship: $16,000 USD

Student ID 1577 Parsons The New School: Design and Technology-Scholarship: $44,000 USD

Student ID 1728 RISD, Rhode Island School of Design: BFA

Student ID 2007 Parsons The New School: Illustration-Scholarship: $48,000 USD

Student ID 1769 Parsons The New School: Product Design-Scholarship: $48,000 USD

Student ID 2007 RISD, Rhode Island School of Design: BFA

Student ID 1528 SVA, School of Visual Arts, BFA: Animation

Student ID 2007 SVA, School of Visual Arts, BFA: Design

Student ID 1550 Pratt Institute: BArch-Scholarship: $100,000 USD

Student ID 2007 ArtCenter College of Design, BFA: Illustration

Student ID 1550 SCI-Arc: BArch-Scholarship: $75,000 USD

Student ID 1773 Pratt Institute: BArch-Scholarship: $100,000 USD

Student ID 1769 University of Washington: Design

Student ID 1550 University of Sheffield: Architecture

Student ID 1276 University of Waterloo: Arts and Business-Scholarship: $2,000 CAD

Student ID 1769 University of Waterloo: Stratford School of Interaction Design & Business

Student ID 1150 University of Waterloo: Architecture Studies, Co-op-Scholarship: $2,000 CAD

Student ID 1718 University of British Columbia: BFA

Student ID 1718 University of Victoria: BFA-Scholarship: $12,500 CAD

Student ID 1276 Parsons The New School, BFA: Fashion Design-Scholarship: $32,000 USD

Student ID 1769 CCA, California College of Art&Design: Design-Scholarship: $100,000 USD

Student ID 1765 ACCD, ArtCenter College of Design: BFA

Student ID 1765 SVA, School of Visual Arts, BFA: Fine Art-Scholarship: $64,000 USD

Student ID 1765 SAIC, School of Art Institute of Chicago: BFA-Scholarship: $64,000 USD

Student ID 1765 MICA, Maryland Institute College of Art: Fine Art-Scholarship: $84,000 USD

Student ID 1871 MICA, Maryland Institute College of Art: BFA-Scholarship: $72,000 USD

Student ID 1871 Otis College of Art and Design: BFA-Scholarship: $88,000 USD

Student ID 1871 Pratt Institute: Industrial Design-Scholarship: $80,000 USD

Student ID 1871 SCAD, Savannah College of Art and Design: BFA

Student ID 1871 SVA, School of Visual Arts: BFA

Student ID 1718 Emily Carr University of Art + Design: Illustration

Student ID 1718 OCAD, Ontario College of Art and Design University: Illustration

Student ID 1769 OCAD, Ontario College of Art and Design University: Design

Student ID 1550 Emily Carr University of Art + Design: Industrial Design

Student ID 2007 Emily Carr University of Art + Design: Visual Art

Student ID 1360 Emily Carr University of Art + Design: Illustration

Student ID 1769 Emily Carr University of Art + Design: Design

Student ID 1718 Capilano University: 2D Animation

Student ID 1867 Byng Arts: Visual Arts


Student ID 1325 Columbia University *EARLY ADMISSION: BA in Art History and Visual Arts

Student ID 1229 Pratt Institute *EARLY ADMISSION: BFA Communications Design-Scholarship: $80,000 USD

Student ID 1435 The Cooper Union *EARLY ADMISSION: Bachelor of Architecture-Scholarship: $111,375 USD

Student ID 1229 RISD, Rhode Island School of Design: Visual Arts

Student ID 1447 RISD, Rhode Island School of Design: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1426 RISD, Rhode Island School of Design: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1686 SVA, School of Visual Arts, Master of Fine Arts in Photography

Student ID 1229 UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles: School of Arts and Architecture with Design | Media Arts

Student ID 1229 Rice University: Bachelor of Design

Student ID 1229 USC, University of Southern California: Bachelor of Art and Design

Student ID 1229 CMU, Carnegie Mellon University: Bachelor of Design

Student ID 1426 CMU, Carnegie Mellon University: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1655 UAL - Central Saint Martins: Bachelor of Art and Design in Fashion

Student ID 1655 The New School - Parsons-Scholarship: $64,000 USD

Student ID 1655 The University of Arts London -Camberwell Chelsea Wimbledon

Student ID 1426 UBC, The University of British Columbia: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1426 UT, The University of Toronto: Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies

Student ID 1426 Pratt Institute: Bachelor of Architecture-Scholarship: $100,000 USD (EA)

Student ID 1447 Pratt Institute: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1229 Pratt Institute: Bachelor of Communication Design-Scholarship: $80,000 USD (EA)

Student ID 1435 Pratt Institute: Bachelor of Architecture-Scholarship: $100,000 USD (EA)

Student ID 1229 UCI, University of California Irvine: Bachelor of Arts in Art

Student ID 1426 Syracuse University: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1229 SAIC, School of the Art Institute of Chicago: Bachelor of Fine Arts (EA)

Student ID 1729 Emily Carr University of Art and Design: Bachelor of Fine Arts

Student ID 1482 Emily Carr University of Art and Design: Bachelor of Media Arts, Majoring in 3D Computer Animation

Student ID 1433 Emily Carr University of Art and Design: Bachelor of Design, Majoring in Industrial Design

Student ID 1400 Emily Carr University of Art and Design: Bachelor of Design, Majoring in Communication Design

Student ID 1655 Emily Carr University of Art and Design: Bachelor of Design, Majoring in Communication Design

Student ID 1427 Emily Carr University of Art and Design: Bachelor of Design, Majoring in 3D Computer Animation

Student ID 1383 OCAD University Bachelor of Design, Majoring in Experimental Animation

Student ID 1389 OCAD University Bachelor of Fine Art , Majoring in Fine Art

Student ID 1427 BCIT, British Columbia Institute of Technology: 3D Modeling, Art and Animation

Student ID 1426 TMU, Toronto Metropolitan University: Bachelor of Architectural Science

Student ID 1581 Yale University: Yale Young Global Scholars

Student ID 1581 RISD, Rhode Island School of Design: Pre-College Program

Student ID 1760 RISD, Rhode Island School of Design: Pre-College Program

Student ID 1675 Columbia University: Pre-College Program

Student ID 1357 USC, University of Southern California: Summer Program, Exploration of Architecture

Student ID 1561 Lord Byng: Byng Arts Mini School

Student ID 1675 NYU, New York University: Summer High School Program to Photography and Imaging

Student ID 1939 UPenn, University of Pennsylvania: Summer Arts & Sciences High School Program

Student ID 1939 Carleton University: Summer High School Program to Humanities


Student ID 1401 Queen’s University: Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours)

Student ID 1434 Pratt Institute, Master of Architecture-Scholarship: $40,000 USD (2 years)

Student ID 1348 Rhode Island School of Design: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1408 Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley: MBA

Student ID 1408 University of Southern California: MBA-Scholarship: $60,000 USD

Student ID 1365 The Savannah College of Art and Design-Scholarship: $47,500 USD (4 years)

Student ID 1401 The University of British Columbia, Bachelor of Fine Arts

Student ID 1174 Emily Carr University of Art + Design: Bachelor of Fine Arts

Student ID 1358 University of Waterloo: Bachelor of Architecture-Scholarship: $2,000

Student ID 1424 Rice University: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1365 College for Creative Studies: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Illustration-Scholarship: $96,000 USD (4 years)

Student ID 1401 Alberta University of the Arts-Scholarship: $1,500

Student ID 1408 University of Michigan: MBA

Student ID 1401 University of Toronto, Scarborough: Visual Arts

Student ID 1365 Ontario College of Art & Design University: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Illustration

Student ID 1424 Syracuse University: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1358 The University of British Columbia, Bachelor of Design in Arch Landscape-Arch Urbanism

Student ID 1293 The University of British Columbia, Bachelor of Design in Arch Landscape-Arch Urbanism

Student ID 1401 Concordia University: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Major in Animation

Student ID 1365 York University: Bachelor of Fine Arts

Student ID 1426 Cornell University: Precollege Summer Program

Student ID 1408 UCLA Anderson School of Management

Student ID 1401 Ontario College of Art & Design University: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Animation

Student ID 1424 Pratt Institute: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1358 McGill University, Bachelor of Science (Architecture)

Student ID 1401 Emily Carr University of Art + Design: Bachelor of Fine Arts

Student ID 1174 Ontario College of Art & Design University: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Animation

Student ID 1365 Ontario College of Art & Design University: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Illustration


Student ID 1332 Architectural Association School of Architecture: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1025 Architectural Association School of Architecture: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1028 Cal Poly Pomona: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1028 Cal Poly: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1023 Emily Carr University of Art + Design:Bachelor of Fine Arts

Student ID 1361 Emily Carr University of Art + Design:Bachelor of Fine Arts

Student ID 1023 Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM): Bachelor of Design (EA Acceptance)

Student ID 1367 FIT Korea | Fashion Institute of Technology: Fashion Design AAS Degree Program

Student ID 1028 Illinois Institute of Technology: Architecture (EA Acceptance)-Scholarship: $100,000 USD (5 years)

Student ID 1416 Maryland Institute College of Art: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Illustration

Student ID 1023 Parsons School of Design | The New School: Bachelor of Fine Arts-Scholarship: 40,000 USD (4 years)

Student ID 1028 Pratt Institute: Bachelor of Architecture (EA Acceptance)-Scholarship: $105,000 USD (5 years)

Student ID 1332 Pratt Institute: Bachelor of Architecture-Scholarship: $105,000 USD (5 years)

Student ID 1025 Pratt Institute: Bachelor of Architecture-Scholarship: $105,000 USD (5 years)

Student ID 1337 Pratt Institute: Bachelor of Architecture-Scholarship: $105,000 USD (5 years)

Student ID 1023 Pratt Institute: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Fashion Design-Scholarship: $80,000 USD (4 years)

Student ID 1028 Rhode Island School of Design: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1025 Rhode Island School of Design: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1415 Rhode Island School of Design: Architecture (ED Acceptance)

Student ID 1414 Rhode Island School of Design: MFA Ceramics

Student ID 1028 Ryerson University: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1367 Ryerson University: Bachelor of Design, Fashion Design

Student ID 1023 Savannah College of Arts and Design (SCAD): Bachelor of Fine Arts-Scholarship: 58,000 USD (4 years) (EA Acceptance)

Student ID 1416 School of the Arts Institute of Chicago: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Illustration

Student ID 1361 Simon Fraser University:Bachelor of Fine Arts

Student ID 1332 Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc): Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1028 Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc): Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1025 Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc): Bachelor of Architecture-Scholarship: $119,540 USD (5 years)

Student ID 1028 Syracuse University: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1025 Syracuse University: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1025 The University of British Columbia:Bachelor of Arts, Architecture

Student ID 1413 The University of British Columbia:Master of Landscape Architecture

Student ID 1332 University College London, The Bartlett School of Architecture:Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1413. University of Calgary:Master of Architecture

Student ID 1332 University of Manchester: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1025 University of Manchester: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1028 University of Oregon: Architecture (EA Acceptance)-Scholarship: $60,000 USD (4 years)

Student ID 1332 University of Sheffield: Architecture

Student ID 1025 University of Sheffield: Architecture

Student ID 1025 University of the Arts London - Central Saint Martins: Bachelor of Arts

Student ID 1023 University of the Arts London - London College of Fashion

Student ID 1337 University of the Arts London-Camberwell Chelsea Wimbledon Colleges: Architecture

Student ID 1332 University of Toronto: Bachelor of Arts, Architecture

Student ID 1028 University of Toronto: Bachelor of Arts, Architecture

Student ID 1025 University of Toronto: Bachelor of Arts, Architecture

Student ID 1337 University of Toronto: Bachelor of Arts, Architecture

Student ID 1413 University of Toronto: Master of Landscape Architecture-Scholarship: 10,000 CAD


Student ID 1007 California College of the Arts-Scholarship: $72,000 (Creative Achievement Award)                     

Student ID 1223 Carnegie Mellon University

Student ID 1024 College Creative Studies 

Student ID 1010 Columbia University

Student ID 1010 Cornell University

Student ID 1010 Duke University

Student ID 1004 Emily Carr University of Art + Design

Student ID 1010 Imperial College London

Student ID 1024 Maryland Institute College of Art

Student ID 1007 Mcgill University                                                                    

Student ID 1223 Parsons School of Design: Bachelor of Architecture-Scholarship: $64,000

Student ID 1007 Parsons School of Design: BBA, Strategic Design-Scholarship $60,000                                                     

Student ID 1004 Parsons School of Design: BFA, Fashion Design-Scholarship $32,000    

Student ID 1024 Parsons School of Design: BFA, Illustration-Scholarship $52,000      

Student ID 1417 Parsons School of Design: MFA

Student ID 1007 Pratt Institute: Bachelor of Architecture

Student ID 1223 Pratt Institute: Bachelor of Architecture-Scholarship: $105,000

Student ID 1252 Pratt Institute: Bachelor of Fine Arts

Student ID 1019 Pratt: Bachelor of Fine Art in Communications Design-Scholarship $44,000

Student ID 1010 Princeton University

Student ID 1002 Ravensbourne University London: Fashion Buying & Brand Management

Student ID 1007 Rhode Island School of Design

Student ID 1223 Rhode Island School of Design

Student ID 1252 Rhode Island School of Design

Student ID 1007 Ryerson University

Student ID 1019 School of the Arts Institute of Chicago: Bachelor of Fine Arts

Student ID 1252 School of the Arts Institute of Chicago: Bachelor of Fine Arts-Scholarship: $33,600

Student ID 1007 School of the Arts Institute of Chicago: Bachelor of Fine Arts-Scholarship: $37,800      

Student ID 1007 School of Visual Arts                                              

Student ID 1252 School of Visual Arts: BFA Illustration                                            

Student ID 1004 Simon Fraser University

Student ID 1223 Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc): Bachelor of Arts, Architecture                                 

Student ID 1007 Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc): Bachelor of Arts, Architecture-Scholarship: 3 Years full Scholarship, $151,734                                                              

Student ID 1007 Syracuse University: Bachelor of Architecture-Scholarship: $10,000 (Distinguished Architecture Portfolio Award)                                                                                               

Student ID 1223 Syracuse University: Bachelor, School of Architecture

Student ID 1024 The Savannah College of Art and Design-Scholarship: $36,000 (Academic Scholarship) & $22,000 (Achievement Scholarship)

Student ID 1002 The Savannah College of Art and Design: BFA     

Student ID 1008 The University of Manchester: BSc Fashion Buying & Merchandising 

Student ID 1007 University of British Columbia                                                       

Student ID 1010 University of California, Berkeley

Student ID 1010 University of Pennsylvania

Student ID 1008 University of Southhampton: BF Fashion Business Management

Student ID 1002 University of the Arts London - London College of Fashion

Student ID 1008 University of the Arts London - London College of Fashion

Student ID 1010 University of Toronto

Student ID 1004 University of Toronto: Bachelor of Arts, Architecture

Student ID 1319 University of Toronto: Bachelor of Arts, Architecture

Student ID 1007 University of Toronto: Bachelor of Arts, Architecture                  

Student ID 1223 University of Toronto: Bachelor of Arts, Architecture-Scholarship: $2000

Student ID 1007 University of Victoria-Scholarship: $24,000                            

Student ID 1007 University of Western Ontario                                                       

Student ID 1008 University of Westminster: BA Fashion Business Management   

Student ID 1002 University of Westminster: BA Fashion Marketing      


Yale University: Master of Architecture
Cornell University: Master of Architecture
University of Pennsylvania: Master of Architecture
Columbia University: Master of Architecture

Parsons the New School
School of Art Institute of Chicago
University of the Arts London
Savannah College of Art and Design-$8000 Scholarships

School of Art Institute of Chicago
University of the Arts London
Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising

School of Art Institute of Chicago
University of the Arts London
Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising

Ithaca College
Parsons the New School-$36,000 Scholarships
School of Visual Arts-$80,000 Scholarships
Kwantlen Polytechnic University

School of Art Institute of Chicago
University of the Arts London

Syracuse University
University of British Columbia
School of Art Institute of Chicago
University of the Arts London
California College of the Arts
Savannah College of Art and Design

School of Art Institute of Chicago
University of the Arts London
Savannah College of Art and Design

University of Waterloo
University of Toronto
University of British Columbia

School of Art Institute of Chicago
University of the Arts London

New York University
The University of California, Berkeley
University of British Columbia

Parsons the New School
School of Art Institute of Chicago

University of Toronto
Parsons the New School-$48,000 Scholarships
Pratt Institute-$48,000 Scholarships
School of Art Institute of Chicago
University of the Arts London

Parsons the New School
Otis College of Art and Design- $56,000 Scholarships
California College of the Arts-$60,000 Scholarships
Savannah College of Art and Design-$8000 Scholarships
Emily Carr University of Art & Design
Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Maryland Institute College of Art
School of Visual Arts
School of Art Institute of Chicago

Savannah College of Art and Design-$22,000 Scholarships
Ringling College of Art & Design-$40,000 Scholarships
School of Visual Arts
Emily Carr University of Art & Design


: Foundation in Art and Design
Emily Carr University of Art+Design
: Foundation

University of Southern California
: Public Relation

Queen’s University
: Bachelor of Arts Honours
University of Toronto
: Media Studies - $1500 Scholarships
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
: Bachelor of Fine Arts- $25200 Scholarships
Pratt Institute
: Film
Ontario University
: Foundation

Carleton University
: Master of Architecture
University of British Columbia
: Master of Architecture- $28,800 Scholarships
University of Toronto
: Master of Science in Biomedical Illustration
University of Calgary
: Master of Architecture
University of Manitoba
: Master of Architecture

University of the Arts London-London College of Fashion
:Intro to Study of Fashion
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
: Bachelor of Fine Arts

San Francisco Art Institute:Bachelor of Fine Arts
- $60000 Scholarships
OCAD University
: Foundation

University of Toronto: Architecture
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
: Bachelor of Fine Arts
OCAD University
: Foundation
Ryerson University
: Architecture

Emily Carr University of Art+Design
: Foundation

McGill University
: Life Science
University of Toronto
: Architecture

UAL-London College of Fashion
: Intro to Study of Fashion
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
: Foundation

Pratt Institute:
Master of Architecture
University at Buffalo:
Master of Architecture
Illinois Institute of Technology:
Master of Architecture

Maryland Institute College of Art
: Foundation - $42,000 Scholarships
Syracuse University
: Architecture

Architectural Association School of Architecture
: Architecture
McGill University
: Architecture
Carnegie Mellon
: Architecture
Rhode Island School of Design
: Architecture
Syracuse University
: Architecture
University of Toronto
: Architecture
UAL - Central Saint Martins
: Architecture

Simon Fraser University
: Bachelor of Arts (Econ)
Emily Carr University of Art + Design
: Foundation
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
: Bachelor of Fine Arts

Parsons New School:
Fashion Design- $32000 Scholarships
School of the Art Institute of Chicago:
Bachelor of Fine Arts- $25200 Scholarships
University of the Arts London - London College of Fashion:
International Preparation for Fashion

Parsons New School:
Fashion Design- $40000 Scholarships
Savannah College of Art and Design
: Fashion Marketing & Management- $11500 Scholarships
University of the Arts London - London College of Fashion
: International Preparation for Fashion

University of the Arts London - Central Saint Martins
: Fashion Design