Explore the endless possibilities of Intermedia Art by combining art and technology!


Intermedia Art is the art for the curious among us, the innovators who are always looking for the new & exciting experiments. Integrating art and technology is in the spirit of Intermedia Art today - experience it yourself by combining the cool electronic gadgets and the crafty art materials. Go beyond the ordinary - why not listen to the music of your painting, see your sculpture dance or play with your interactive drawing? Don’t miss out on this fantastic ride to the art & beyond!


Understand the logic and the possibilities of applying motion and kinetic qualities in the art-making. Create a unique & thematic movement for the artwork. Play the video to see a sample of motion created with DC motor and dimmer electronics!


Learn about the logic and the possibilities of recording or adding sound in the art-making. Experience the different function of the sound module and create thematic sound art. Play the video to see a sample of sound art created with a USB programmed MP3 player electronic!


Understand the logic and the possibilities of adding and controlling light in the art-making. Experience the different function of the light module and create a thematic light element for the artwork. Play the video to see a sample of interactive light play created with LED module and sound trigger!


Grade 4 - 6